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Cookies Policy

  /  Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

Updated on May 25, 2018

Our website, as most of the websites, uses cookies, that is a small piece of text sent to your browser by the website you visit in order to improve your navigation experience.

With respect towards possible queries or concerns regarding your right to privacy and the protection of your personal data, with this note we would like to provide more information on how we use cookies on our website.

Please spend a few minutes to learn about our practices regarding cookies. We strive to keep this notification as simple as possible, so it is understood by those who are not familiar with terms such as cookies, IP addresses and browsers. Should you have any questions, you may contact us at

Important note:Our updated Cookies Policy is aligned to the guidelines of the E.U. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), while we maintain the right of future updates anytime. The date when the last update was made is available at the top of this statement.

Any future amendments will be valid from the day the new Cookies Policy will be available at our website.

With your consent to our Cookies Policy you will be able to navigate to our website in the best possible way.

About Cookies

Cookies are small files, which can be stored by a website to your computer and/or mobile phone. They are designed to power / facilitate the function of a website by allowing the website to “keep track” of a user’s actions during his/her navigation to the page, prompting an easier and in some cases tailored next visit (e.g. by memorizing the user’s language choice).

Despite the fact that most of the browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera) support the use of cookies, each user can make adjustments to his cookies preferences in order to withdraw his/her consent or delete the cookies already used.

The types of Cookies we use at our website

Our website stores cookies at our users’ Data Terminal Equipment aiming at improving / facilitating the navigation experience, as well as tracking the website traffic.

The cookies used for this purpose are not identifying users, therefore the right to privacy and data protection is secured.

Please find below more information about the cookies we use:

Process Cookies

They help make the website work and deliver services that the website visitor expects, like navigating around web pages, accessing secure areas of the website, or adding the services / products of choice to your cart (e-shop).

Without these cookies, the website cannot function properly. These cookies do not identify users and they expire within a month.

Preference Cookies

We do NOT use this type of cookies at our website.

Advertising Cookies

For promoting our Organization, we use ADWORDS, a service provided by Google. In this context, promotional messages for W.S.P.C. appear in the web, either in the form of plain text in Google Search pages or via Display Banners in various websites that are cooperating with Google for this purpose (allowing advertisement services in their websites). By clicking to an ADWORD, the user is transferred to where he/she can obtain more info about our Organization and the courses/services provided. During this navigation, we use Process and Google Analytics cookies (as described in this unit). We do not ask for nor save the user’s personal data. We do not provide promotional messages on our website, nor maintain data from Google services.

Nevertheless, the PC (tablet/mobile) of all users saves several types of cookies during navigation in the web and the use of ADWORDS services; these cookies are used by Google for purposes of remarketing, in other words for targeted advertisement purposes. For more info please visit: Google Ads.

Please take under consideration that you have the ability –if you wish- to declare that you no longer want to receive such messages and to exclude yourself from relevant future remarketing actions by adjusting the “Ads Settings” at Google Display Network

-Or to activate Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On via

-(For help please visit

Cookies Analytics

These cookies help us evaluate the efficiency of our website and make the adjustments necessary for the best navigating experience.

As a whole, on our website we do not create “users files”, therefore we do not use cookies that identify our visitors.

Who collects and what do we do with the cookies we use on our website

At our website all files collected through cookies are stored for a specific time (defined by the cookies type per case) aiming at the better function and easier website navigation. They are not subject to any further processing. They are not processed in any way for other purposes such as advertising and they are not transferred to third parties.

How can I control cookies?

Most of the times, browsers are set to consent on the cookies use.

Nevertheless, you can agree or deny the use of cookies from any website, anytime by:

  • Not agreeing on the Cookie Consent Pop Up.
  • Activating the relevant preference on your browser that does not allow the use of cookies.

In the case you deactivate the use of cookies for our website you may not be able to access our website or the full information / services provided.

More information on how to deactivate the use of cookies is available on your browser’s website (through Help/ Support Window), as well as on page.

Regarding our E-shop

Our website hosts an e-shop for services (e.g. courses) and products (e.g. books).

In this unit:
-We do not offer the option to create a “client profile”, therefore our service is designed for handling and completing orders per se. The data are stored for the purpose of order completion and are not used for other purposes nor are they transferred to third irrelevant parties.

-In order to start the order process, the user must fill in the following details:

  • Full name
  • Country
  • Address
  • Postal Code
  • City
  • Email

This data is stored for the purposes of completing the transaction and are not used for any other purpose.

-We use cookies (instalments) for saving the number of payments chosen by the user upon purchase; this information is stored at our website for a total duration of one (1) hour.

-For the online transaction that will complete the order, the user is transferred to the bank’s secure environment. WSPC has been approved and certified by the bank that our website fulfils all necessary presuppositions in order to use the bank’s services.

-We offer an “Order Cancellation Form” where we ask and keep “Order Number”, “Delivery date”, and information about the user that placed the order (Name, Address, Email). The process is defined by our Cancellation Policy available at our e-shop. The data requested serves the purpose of request fulfilment in case all presuppositions described in our Cancellation Policy are met.

-Our website does not permanently store any data regarding “client profile” nor credit cards.


Please keep in mind that cookies consent is provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and relevant E.U. Legislation.

For more information about our Policy regarding Personal Data Protection, please click HERE

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